Chapter 6 Managing Ports 181

Displaying Transceiver Media Status

To display transceiver media status, open the View menu and select View Port
Media. TABLE 6 -6 lists the port media states and their meanings.
Configuring Ports
The port settings or characteristics are configured using the Port Properties dialog
(FIGURE6-6). To open the Port Properties dialog, select one or more ports, open the
Port menu, and select Port Properties.
TABLE6-6 Transceiver Media View
Media Icon Description
Optical SFP, online (green/black), logged-in, active, and ready to send
Optical SFP, offline (gray/black), not logged-in, active, can receive signal,
but cannot accept a device login
Optical SFP, unlicensed (dark gray/black)
Optical SFP, unknown, unlicensed (dark gray/blue)
XPAK online (green/black), logged-in, active, and ready to send data
XPAK offline (gray/black), not logged-in, active, can receive signal, but
cannot accept a device login
XPAK, unlicensed (dark gray/white)
XPAK, unknown (blue/black)
None Empty port; no transceiver installed (gray) or unlicensed (dark gray)