Using the Sun GigaSwift EthernetDriver in Solaris 9 x86 OperatingSystems
This appendix describes the features and limitations of using the Sun GigaSwift
Ethernet driver software in the Solaris 9 x86 Operating System:
Hardware and Software Requirementsonpage 79
Patch Requirementson page 80
Product Featureson page 80
Features Not Currently Supportedon page 81
Using the Installation Scripton page 81
Installing the Software Manuallyon page 84
Configuring Driver Parameterson page 87

Hardware and Software Requirements

Before using the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter, make sure your system meets the
following hardware and software requirements:
Hardwareand Software Requirements
Hardware Opteronplatfoms such as the Sun Firev20Z
Operating System Solaris 9 x86 releases