Appendix A Installing the Software Manually 73
If your system is running Solaris 9 x86 software type the following:
A menu similar to the following displays:
5. Select the packages you want to install:
Press Return or type all to accept the default and install all packages (if neither
the GigaSwfit Ethernet Driver nor VLAN Utility packages are installed).
Typethe numbers of all but the optional packages if you prefer not to install
See TABLEA-1 to identify the optional packages.
6. If the packages are already installed, verify the patch version.
See the following section.
#pkgadd -d /Solaris_9/i386/Packages/
The following packages are available:
1 SUNWcea Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Driver 32 bit adb Macros
(sparc) 1.0,REV=2001.05.04
2 SUNWceax Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Driver 64 bit adb Macros
(sparc) 1.0,REV=2001.05.04
3 SUNWced.u Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter (32-bit Driver)
(sparc.sun4u) 1.0,REV=2001.05.04
4 SUNWcedu Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Driver Headers
(sparc) 1.0,REV=2001.05.04
5 SUNWcedx.u Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter (64-bit Driver)
(sparc.sun4u) 1.0,REV=2001.05.04
6 SUNWcem Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Driver Man Pages
(sparc) 1.0,REV=2001.05.04
7 SUNWvld Sun Ethernet Vlan Utility Routines
(sparc) 1.0,REV=2001.05.04
8 SUNWvldu Sun Ethernet Vlan Utility Headers
(sparc) 1.0,REV=2001.05.04
9 SUNWvldx Sun Ethernet Vlan Utility Routines (64-bit)
(sparc) 1.0,REV=2001.05.04
Select package(s) you wish to process (or ’all’ to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: