more Satellite/DSS receivers: Hitachi 139, 140

Home Cable 080, 044, 029 Houston Tracker 033, 037, 039, 104, 057, 051

Hughes 068, 154 Hytek 053 Hyundai 149 ICR 023

Janiel 060, 147 Kathrein 108 Legend 057 Lutron 132 Luxor 144, 062

Macom 010, 059, 063, 064, 065 Memorex 057

Nextwave 028, 124, 125 Norsat 069, 070

Pace 143 Panasonic 142, 060 Pansat 121 Personal Cable 117 Philips 071, 152, 153 PL 023, 026 President 019, 102 Primestar 110, 030 Prosat 072 Proscan 151, 106, 150 RCA 151, 106, 150 Realistic 043, 074 Samsung 123

Satellite Service 028, 035, 047, 085

Sony 103 Starcast 041 Superguide 020, 124, 125 Teecom 023, 026, 075, 087, 088, 090, 107, 130, 137 Toshiba 002, 127

Town & Country 023, 026 Uniden 016, 025, 042, 043, 044, 045, 048, 049, 078, 079, 080, 086,101, 135, 136

Viewstar 115 Winegard 128, 146

Zenith 081, 082, 083, 084, 091, 120

Tape Decks

Aiwa 015, 071, 100, 114 Carver 006, 008, 027, 024, 036 Denon 105, 227, 229

Fisher 064

Goldstar 011 Harman/Kardon 233 JVC 106, 116, 239, 240 Kenwood 005, 013, 023, 026, 064, 145, 146, 181, 190 Linn 124

Luxman 035, 137, 139 Magnavox 027

Marantz 014, 027, 056, 065, 087 McIntosh 238

Mitsubishi 242, 243 NAD 029, 048 Nakamichi 244, 245, 025 Onkyo 002, 012, 016, 017, 018, 019, 115

Optimus 026, 054, 055 Panasonic 007, 010, 032, 088, 195

Philips 027, 087

Pioneer 003, 039, 047, 050, 066, 098, 222

Quasar 007, 088

Sansui 027, 113, 119, 224 Sharp 026, 057, 131, 175, 181 Sherwood 038, 004, 028, 030, 033, 034

Sony 020, 022, 052, 084, 089


Teac 009, 059, 212 Technics 007, 010, 076, 088, 109, 122, 193

Toshiba 112

Victor 106

Yamaha 021, 026, 031, 067, 040


Admiral 072, 081, 161, 160 Akai 197, 146

Amark 112, 143

Ampro 073, 167, 157, 183 Amstrad 052

Anam 043, 054, 056, 080, 112, 131

AOC 197, 004, 112, 058 Audiovox 076 Blaupunkt 088

Cairn 201

Candle 197, 002, 003, 004 Capehart 058 Centronic 043

Citizen 197, 002, 003, 004, 043, 101, 103, 143

Classic 043

Concerto 004 Contec 043, 050, 051 Coronado 143 Craig 043, 054 Crown 043, 143

Curtis Mathes 197, 101, 004, 143

CXC 043

Daewoo 004, 016, 043, 004, 076, 103, 114, 125, 127, 143 Daytron 004, 143

Dwin 117 Dynasty 043 Dynatech 062 Eiki 187

Electrohome 024, 076, 143, 196 Emerson 197, 004, 005, 028, 043, 047, 048, 050, 051, 076, 096, 143, 151, 153, 154, 155

Fisher 007, 057 Fujitsu 198 Funai 028, 043 Futuretech 043

GE 197, 008, 009, 034, 056, 073, 074, 130, 144, 155, 160, 161, 165, 004, 091, 157, 183

Goldstar 004, 102, 106, 112, 113, 116, 119, 127, 143 Hall Mark 004

Hitachi 004, 009, 010, 011, 012, 023, 075, 143, 158, 163, 166, 072

Infinity 164 JBL 164

JC Penny 197, 004, 008, 009, 024, 030, 065, 101, 143, 156, 160

Jensen 013

JVC 034, 038, 070, 083, 154, 199

KEC 043 Kenwood 197, 070 Kloss 002, 059 KMC 143

KTV 197, 043, 143, 154 Lodgenet 072

Logik 072 Luxman 004

LXI 166, 007, 015, 052, 081, 160, 164

Magnavox 197, 003, 004, 022, 059, 060, 061, 063, 064, 127, 160, 164, 094

Marantz 197, 164 Matsui 164 Memorex 007, 072, 004 Metz 088

MGA 197, 004, 024, 028, 042 Minerva 088

Mitsubishi 004, 024, 028, 040, 042, 109, 124, 146, 191 MTC 197, 004, 062, 101 NAD 015, 025

NEC 132, 130, 134, 197, 040, 016, 024, 056, 019

Nikei 043

Onking 043

Onwa 043 Optonica 019, 081 Orion 096

Panasonic 034, 056, 080, 092, 164

Philco 197, 003, 024, 056, 059, 060, 063, 064, 164, 004 Philips 197, 003, 004, 005, 038, 059, 093, 164, 127

Pioneer 197, 018, 023, 025, 116, 135, 190

Portland 004, 143

Proscan 144, 160, 161, 165, 167

Proton 004, 058, 131, 143, 171, 173, 193

Quasar 034, 056, 092 Radio Shack 019, 043, 143, 004, 127

RCA 160, 161, 165, 065, 156, 144, 197, 004, 023, 024, 056, 074, 152

Realistic 007, 019, 043, 047 Roctec 186

Runco 168, 169, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 073, 157 Sampo 197, 058, 004, 202 Samsung 004, 050, 089, 101, 105, 127, 143, 160

Sanyo 166, 007, 020, 053, 057, 082, 187

Scott 004, 028, 043, 048, 143 Sears 015, 030, 003, 007, 028, 057, 143, 094, 160, 080, 165, 166

Seleco 189, 200

Sharp 170, 081, 019, 028, 029, 014, 004, 022, 143, 175 Siemens 088

Signature 072

Sony 070, 085, 139, 147, 126, 185, 194

Soundesign 004, 028, 003, 043 Spectricon 112

SSS004, 043 Supre Macy 002 Sylvania 197, 003, 059, 060, 063, 064, 164, 044, 160, 127 Tandy 081

Tatung 056, 062 Technics 034, 080 Techwood 004

Teknika 002, 003, 004, 024, 028, 043, 072, 101, 143 Telefunken 037, 046, 086, 087 Telerent 072

Tera 172 TMK 004

Toshiba 007, 015, 030, 040, 062, 101, 138 Totevision 143

Universal 008, 009 Video Concepts 146 Vidikron 174, 184, 188, 192 Vidtech 994

Wards 004, 008, 009, 019, 028, 060, 061, 063, 064, 072, 074, 143, 164, 034

Westing House 076

Yamaha 197, 004 York 004 Yupiteru 043

Zenith 072, 073, 095, 103, 157, 183

Zonda 112


Aiwa 034, 181

Akai 016, 043, 046, 124, 125, 142, 146

Ampro 072

Anam 031

Audio Dynamics 012, 023, 039, 043

Brooksonic 035, 037, 129 Canon 028, 031 Capehart 108

Craig 003, 040, 135 Curtis Mathes 031, 041 Daewoo 005, 007, 010, 065, 108, 110, 111, 112, 116, 117, 119

Daytron 108

DBX 012, 023, 039, 043 Dynatech 034, 053 Electrohome 059 Emerson 006, 017, 025, 027, 029, 031, 034, 035, 036, 037, 046, 101, 129, 131, 138, 153, 162, 116

Fisher 003, 008, 009, 010 Funai 034

GE 031, 063, 072, 107, 109, 144, 147

Go Video 132, 136, 155, 040, 115

Goldstar 012, 013, 020, 101, 106, 114, 123 Harman/Kardon 014, 045 Hitachi 004, 018, 026, 034, 043, 063, 137, 150, 160, 013 InstantReplay 031

JCL 031

JC Penney 012, 013, 015, 040, 066, 101

Jensen 043

JVC 012, 031, 043, 048, 050, 055, 060, 130, 150, 152 Kenwood 014, 048, 034, 106 Lloyd 034

LXI 003, 009, 017, 034, 106 Magin 040

Magnavox 031, 034, 041, 067, 068, 156, 164

Marantz 012, 031, 067, 069 Marta 101

Matsui 027, 030 MEI 031

Memorex 003, 010, 014, 031, 034, 053, 072, 101, 102, 134, 139

MGA 045, 046, 059 Minolta 013, 020 Mitsubishi 013, 020, 045, 046, 051, 059, 061, 142, 151, 049 MTC 034, 040

Multitech 024, 034

NEC 012, 023, 039, 043, 048 Nordmende 043

Optonica 053, 054 Orion 025

Panasonic 066, 070, 083, 113, 140, 145, 157, 163, 074 Pentax 013, 020, 031, 063 Philco 031, 034, 067

Philips 031, 034, 054, 067, 071, 101

Pilot 101

Pioneer 013, 021, 048 Portland 108

Pulsar 072 Quartz 002, 014 Quasar 066, 145, 075 Radio Shack 123

RCA 013, 020, 041, 107, 109, 140, 144, 145, 147, 034, 040, 158

Realistic 003, 008, 010, 014, 031, 034, 040, 053, 054, 101 Rico 058

Runco 148

Salora 014

Samsung 032, 040, 066, 102, 104, 107, 109, 112, 113, 115, 120, 122, 125

Sansui 022, 043, 048, 135 Sanyo 003, 007, 010, 014, 134, 102

Scott 017, 037, 112, 129, 131 Sears 003, 008, 009, 010, 013, 014, 081, 101, 017, 073, 112 Sharp 031, 054, 149, 159, 165 Shintom 024

Signature 034

Sony 003, 031, 052, 056, 057, 058, 076, 077, 078, 149, 154 Soundesign 034

STS 013

Sylvania 031, 034, 059, 067 Symphonic 034

Tandy 010, 034

Tatung 039, 043 Teac 034, 039, 043 Technics 031, 070 Teknika 019, 031, 034, 101 Thomas 034

TMK 006

Toshiba 008, 013, 042, 047, 059, 079, 082, 112, 131, 081 Totevision 040, 101 Unitech 040

Vector Research 012 Victor 048

Video Concepts 012, 034, 046, 141

Videosonic 040

Wards 003, 013, 017, 024, 031, 034, 040, 053, 054, 131 Yamaha 012, 034, 039, 043 Zenith 034, 048, 056, 058, 072, 080, 101

User's Manual

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Sunfire TGP-5(E) manual Tape Decks

TGP-5(E), TGP-5 specifications

The Sunfire TGP-5 and TGP-5(E) are high-end audio processors that cater to audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts seeking exceptional sound quality and advanced features. These models are designed with a commitment to delivering pristine audio performance across various formats, making them ideal for both music and movie playback.

One of the standout features of the TGP-5 is its robust digital signal processing capabilities. The device is equipped with a state-of-the-art multichannel DAC that ensures accurate sound reproduction and a high signal-to-noise ratio. This component allows for the processing of high-resolution audio formats, including DSD, ensuring that users can enjoy their music as intended by the artist. The TGP-5(E) version further enhances this experience by offering enhanced room correction technology, which automatically calibrates the system based on the specific acoustics of the listening environment. This feature optimizes audio performance by adjusting frequency response, thereby eliminating unwanted resonances and improving overall sound clarity.

The user interface of the TGP-5 series is designed for ease of use, featuring a straightforward menu system accessible via its front panel display or remote control. Connections are abundant, offering a variety of digital inputs, including HDMI, coaxial, and optical, alongside traditional analog RCA inputs. These options ensure compatibility with almost any home theatre setup and allow integration with modern streaming services and devices.

Another noteworthy characteristic is the TGP-5's support for surround sound formats, including Dolby Atmos and DTS:X. This capability allows users to create an immersive audio experience that enhances movie watching and gaming sessions. Additionally, the TGP-5 incorporates advanced connectivity options, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, enabling wireless streaming from smartphones and tablets.

In terms of build quality, the Sunfire TGP-5 series boasts a sleek and elegant design, typically encased in a sturdy chassis that minimizes vibration and interference. This construction not only enhances durability but also adds a touch of sophistication to any audio setup.

In summary, the Sunfire TGP-5 and TGP-5(E) represent a blend of cutting-edge technology, exceptional audio fidelity, and user-friendly features. With their advanced processing capabilities, comprehensive connectivity options, and support for modern audio formats, these processors are a compelling choice for anyone looking to elevate their audio experience.