SUPER MICRO Computer 5013C-M8 user manual Advanced Bios Setup, Advanced Bios Features

Models: 5013C-M8

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SUPERSERVER 5013C-M8 User's Manual

7-4 Advanced BIOS Setup

Choose Advanced BIOS Setup from the Award BIOS main menu with the Left/ Right arrow keys. You should see the following display. Select one of the items in the left frame of the screen to go to the sub screen for that item. Advanced BIOS Setup options are displayed by highlighting the option using the arrow keys. All Advanced BIOS Setup options are described in this section.

7-4.1 Advanced BIOS Features

When the item of Advanced BIOS Features is highlighted, press the <Enter> key to activate the screen below:


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SUPER MICRO Computer 5013C-M8 user manual Advanced Bios Setup, Advanced Bios Features