SC823 Chassis User’s Guide
B. Chassis Front View and the Front Control Panel
Chassis Front Panel
The SC823T/SC823S Series
Front Panel I/O Device Definitions (* for the SC823T/SC823S Series)
A. SCA Drive Trays(6) | C. 5.25" Drive Bay(1) |
B. Floppy Disk(1) | D. CD ROM(1) (*Redundant Chassis |
| only) |
| The SC823i Series |
A | B | C | D |
Front Panel I/O Device Definitions (* for the SC823i Series)
A. IDE Drive Trays(2) | C. 5.25" Drive Bay(1) |
B. Floppy Disk(1) | D. CD ROM(*823i- |
| R500RC only) |