Chapter 1. The Adaptive Server Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent
❖To restart the Adaptive Server Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent
1.Using your SNMP management tool, change the value of the asaAgent.asaRestart property,, to 1.
| You can obfuscate the contents of the asasnmp.ini file with simple |
| encryption using the File Hiding utility (dbfhide). |
| ☞ For more information, see “Hiding the contents of .ini files” [ASA |
| Database Administration Guide, page 524]. |
The ASAAgent section | The ASAAgent section of the asasnmp.ini file contains a TrapPollTime field |
| with information about the Adaptive Server Anywhere Extension Agent. If |
| the TrapPollTime field is not required, you can omit the entire section. |
| TrapPollTime This value specifies the poll frequency for dynamic traps if |
| they are specified. The Adaptive Server Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent |
| polls the values every 5 seconds by default. Setting this value to 0 disables |
| dynamic traps. This field is optional. |
The DBn section | Each DBn section of the asasnmp.ini file describes a database, how to |
| connect to it, and any dynamic traps that exist for the database. The fields in |
| this section are case sensitive. |
| The value for n is a number that identifies the database. The numbers must |
| start with 1, and numbers cannot be skipped. For example, if the asasnmp.ini |
| file contained entries for [DB1], [DB2], and [DB4], the [DB4] entry would |
| be ignored because the file is missing the entry for [DB3]. |
| ConnStr The connection string used to connect to the database. You must |
| supply enough information to be able to connect to the database. This field is |
| required. |
| ♦ If you want to use an ODBC data source to connect to the database, it |
| must be a system data source, not a user data source. |
| ♦ If you want to use an integrated login, you must map to the SYSTEM |
| account because the SNMP Agent runs as a service. However, this means |
| that anything that runs as a service can then connect to the database |
| without a password. Alternatively, you can change the account that the |
| service runs under and then create an integrated login for that account. |
| ♦ The string ASTART=NO;IDLE=0;CON=SNMP;ASTOP=NO is prepended to |
| the connection string. This string does the following: |
| ∙ prevents the Adaptive Server Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent from |
| trying to autostart a database server |
| ∙ disables idle timeout since it is likely that the Adaptive Server |
| Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent will sit idle for some time |