Chapter 1. The Adaptive Server Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent



Adaptive Server

The Adaptive Server Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent sends a trap

Anywhere SNMP

whenever a connection is dropped by the database server. The OID of this

Extension Agent traps

trap is


The only other traps sent by the Adaptive Server Anywhere agent are


dynamic traps.


For more information about dynamic traps, see “Creating dynamic


traps” on page 19 .

Creating dynamic traps

A dynamic trap is a trap that is sent by the Adaptive Server Anywhere Extension Agent when a simple expression involving the value of a particular property, statistic, or option is true. Dynamic traps are created in the asasnmp.ini file. The format of the trap information in the asasnmp.ini file entry is as follows:

Trap<trapnum>=[]<oid>[.<dbnum>] <op> <value>

trapnum is the dynamic trap number. It must start at 1 and be sequential.

oid is the OID of the property, statistic, or option. OIDs in either the Adaptive Server Anywhere MIB or the RDBMS MIB are supported. If the OID given is an invalid Adaptive Server Anywhere or RDBMS OID, the Adaptive Server Anywhere MIB prefix ( is prepended.

For a list of OIDs in the Adaptive Server Anywhere MIB, see “Adaptive Server Anywhere MIB Reference” on page 23 .

For a list of OIDs in the RDBMS MIB, see “RDBMS MIB Reference” on page 41.

dbnum is the database number. This field is optional, but if specified, it must match the database number of the [DBn] section of the asasnmp.ini file.

op must have one of the following values:

= or == (equality)

!=, <>, or >< (inequality)

<= or =< (less than or equal)

>= or => (greater than or equal)

< (less than)

> (greater than)


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Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent manual Creating dynamic traps