H.350.2 Directory services architecture for H.235 - An LDAP schema to represent
H.235 elements.
The schemas can be downloaded in ldif format from the web interface on the Gatekeeper. To
do this, navigate to the Gatekeeper Configuration > Files page and click on the links for the
Copy the downloaded schemas to the OpenLDAP schema directory:
Edit /etc/openldap/slapd.conf to add the new schemas. You will need to add the following
include /etc/openldap/schemas/commobject.ldif
include /etc/openldap/schemas/h323identity.ldif
include /etc/openldap/schemas/h235identity.ldif
The OpenLDAP daemon (slapd) must be restarted for the new schemas to take effect.
7.2.3 Adding H.350 objects

Create the organizational hierarchy

Create an ldif file with the following contents:
# This example creates a single organisational unit to contain
# the H.350 objects
dn: ou=h350,dc=my-domain,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: h350
Add the ldif file to the server using the command:
slapadd -l <ldif_file>
This organizational unit will form the BaseDN to which the Gatekeeper will issue searches. In
this example the BaseDN will be ou=h350,dc=my-domain,dc=com.
It is good practice to keep the H.350 directory in its own organizational unit to separate out
H.350 objects from other types of objects. This allows access controls to be setup which only
allow the Gatekeeper read access to the BaseDN and therefore limit access to other sections
of the directory.

Add the H.350 objects

Create an ldif file with the following contents:
# MeetingRoom1 endpoint
dn: commUniqueId=comm1,ou=h350,dc=my-domain,dc=com
objectClass: commObject
objectClass: h323Identity
objectClass: h235Identity