Command Usage Description
DenyListAdd xCommand DenyListAdd
<denied_alias> Add an entry to the deny list, used by the registration
restriction policy.
DenyListDelete xCommand DenyListDelete
<index> Removes the pattern from the deny list at the specified
DisconnectCall xCommand DisconnectCall
<callid> Disconnects the specified call.
r xCommand FeedbackRegister
<ID> <URL> <Expression>
Registers for notifications on the event or status change
described by the Expression to be sent in XML format to
the specified URL. Up to 15 Expressions may be registered
for each of 3 feedback IDs.
The following Expressions are valid:
Event, Event/CallAttempt, Event/Connected,
Event/Disconnected, Event/ConnectionFailure,
Event/Registration, Event/Unregistration, Event/Bandwidth,
Status, Status/Calls, Status/Registrations, History,
History/Calls, History/Registrations
xCommand FeedbackRegister ID:1
ter xCommand FeedbackDeregister
<ID> Deregisters the specified Feedback Expression. All
registered Feedback Expressions are removed with:
xCommand FeedbackDeregister 0
LinkAdd xCommand LinkAdd: <linkname>
<node1> <node2> <pipe1>
Adds a new link to the link list.
LinkDelete xCommand LinkDelete: <index> Deletes the indexed link.
OptionKeyAdd xCommand OptionKeyAdd: <key> Adds a new option key.
OptionKeyDelete xCommand OptionKeyDelete:
<index> Deletes the indexed option key.
PipeAdd xCommand PipeAdd: <name>
<totalmode> <total>
<percallmode> <percall>
Adds and configures a new pipe.
PipeDelete xCommand PipeDelete: <index> Deletes the indexed pipe.
Registration xCommand RemoveRegistration
<regid> Removes the specified registration.
SubZoneAdd xCommand SubZoneAdd: <name>
<address> <mask> <totalmode>
<total> <percallmode>
Adds and configures a new subzone.