The control panel for VNET“ allows VNET“ parameters to be viewed and adjusted. The panel is organised into a monitoring area (at the top left of the panel) where the status of VNET“ may be viewed, and a control area where all the controls to adjust parameters are located.
Note that Parameter adjustments are automatically stored in the DSP section of each VNET“ - it is not possible to do temporary changes then store them separately.
Parameters which can be adjusted by the user are: Crossover/Delay, EQ (Equalisation), Gain & Power.
The Crossover/Delay tab allows you to adjust the crossover frequencies, crossover shapes & delays.
The EQ sections (8 bands) allow you to adjust the frequency and level (boost/cut) for each of the equalisation filters, and the bandwidth (Q) of the bell equalisers. The latter controls allow the responsiveness of the filters to be adjusted either as bandwidth (Octaves) or Q. The up/down buttons will change the values. Values may be typed into either the bandwidth or Q part of the box. A ’Frequency Response’ curve˚shows the shape of each filter individually (by colour), and the combined effect of˚all equalisation (in white).
There are also High & Low shelving filters.
At the top of the panel there are several pieces of information about the connected device (which are only activated when going
Model Name
The VNET“ model number
Loudspeaker name
To uniquely identify the speaker (i.e. delay 3)
Configuration Name
A name of up to 12 characters that you may enter as a name for the current set of parameters.
Firmware Version
Also see (Controls and Control Panels)
Keyboard Shortcuts |
PodWare supports the following shortcuts : |
Tab | Move to next control |
In value boxes: |
CTL+C | Copy |
CTL+V | Paste |
CTL+X | Cut |
CTL+Z | Undo |
On | |
PgUp | Increase value (coarsely) |
PgDown | Reduce value (coarsely) |
Up/Right arrow | Increase value (finely) |
Down/Left arrow | Reduce value (finely) |
On |
Space | Activate |