
Calling using the control unit

You can view and call the phone numbers and contacts that are stored in your phone, by using the control unit of your handsfree. The phone numbers and contacts appear on the display.

Call list

You can view and call the dialled, answered and missed calls that appear in the call list of your phone. The call list is automatically synchronized from the phone to the handsfree, when you open the call list in the handsfree.

Not all phones support phone call list and synchronization. Please refer to your phone user guide and to www.sonyericsson.com for more information.

To call a number from the call list


Press and hold

to make the call list appear


on the display.


To scroll to a number, rotate the volume control.



to call the number.



to end the call.


You can view and call the contacts in your phone phonebook, from the handsfree. The contacts are automatically synchronized from the phone to the handsfree, when you open the phonebook, in the car handsfree.

Not all phones support Bluetooth Synchronization Profile

for phonebook transfer. Please refer to your phone user guide and to www.sonyericsson.com.

To call a contact in your phonebook


To open the phonebook, press .


Scroll to the first letter in the name of the contact


that you wish to call, and press .

Scroll to a contact, and press








you wish to call.

Scroll to the phone number that


To make the call, press .


To end the call, press




You can only view and call contacts written in Latin, Cyrillic and Greek characters.

Calling using the phone keys

You can make a call by using the phone keys, and dial the number in the same way as you normally would with your phone.

To make a call using the phone

1Use the phone keypad to dial the number.

2 Press , on the phone.

3 End the call by pressing , on the phone.

8This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.