Tascam MD-801R/P Mk II owner manual Editing operations, Basic editing operations, Dividing tracks

Models: MD-801R/P Mk II MD-801P Mk II

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Unlike tape or other linear media, the MD-801 pro- vides you with a wide range of editing tools, allow- ing you to make arbitary cuts, “splices” and rearrangements of running order without having to re-record any parts of the material.

Although the editing operations you perform will take effect instantly, unless they are written to disc as part of the User Table of Contents (U-TOC), they will not take any effect when the disc is next used (or inserted in another machine), as “splices”, etc. are virtual, and do not actually represent cuts in the material.

The U-TOC contains all the information that is read by the MD-801 in order to know what parts of the disc should be played, and in what order.

For that reason, it is important that you never turn off the MD-801 while it is writing the U-TOC to disc. If you do this, you will probably be unable to use the disc in the future.

5.1 Basic editing operations

1To start an editing operation, press the EDIT key [18] and the E D I T indicator will light in the display.

2Select the editing operation using the DATA dial [12].

3When the editing operation is complete (the exact steps are described in the individual sec- tions below), turn the SHUTTLE wheel [13] to complete the operation and return to normal mode.

After an editing operation, the TOC WRITE indica- tor [19] will light, and the display TOC EDIT will light, showing that there are editing changes made which have not been saved to disc.

4Commit the editing operation to disc by press- ing the TOC WRITE key [19].


A disc must not be write-protected when sav- ing edits to disc. The display shows W_Protected! if you attempt to write a U-TOC to a protected disc. By ejecting the disc you lose the edits you have made, so you should make sure that a disc on which you want to save edits is write enabled before you start the editing process.

5 - Editing operations

After most editing operations, the MD-801 enters the play ready mode.

5.1.1 Cancelling an edit operation

If you wish to cancel an edit operation at any time before step 3 above, do any of the following:

turn the SHUTTLE wheel counterclockwise

press the STOP key [5]

press the EDIT key

5.1.2Editing without saving the edits to disc

If you want to make edits, but do not want to commit them to disc, you can do either of the following:

turn off the power to the MD-801

press the EJECT key once, and press it again, after the TOC Edited! message appears on the display

5.2 Dividing tracks

Use this editing function to split one track into two. This operation can be carried out while the MD-801 is in play ready mode.

Before the operation to split track 2, the tracks and numbers look like:

Track number









This track is to be divided here

After the operation, the tracks will look like:

Track number











Note that the tracks are renumbered

1Locate the playback position so that it is at the point where you want to divide the track. Press the READY key [7] to put the MD-801 into play ready mode.

2After pressing the EDIT key, turn the DATA dial until the display shows:


3Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise.

Point OK?

4A jog loop will start playing. Adjust the jog loop using the JOG/DATA dial, so that the start

TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 5–1

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Tascam MD-801R/P Mk II Editing operations, Basic editing operations, Dividing tracks, Cancelling an edit operation