Tascam MD-801R/P Mk II, MD-801P Mk II owner manual Moving tracks, B point erase operations

Models: MD-801R/P Mk II MD-801P Mk II

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The PLAY indicator above the PLAY key will

flash, as will the indication in the display, to show that rehearsal mode has been entered.

In this rehearsal mode, the last 4 seconds (approximately) of the previous track and the first four seconds (approximately) of the current track are continuously repeated, so that you can audition the “join” between the tracks.

4At this point, it is still possible to use the TRACK keys to select another track to be com- bined. This newly-selected track will be com- bined with the track immediately before the new selection.

5Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to com- bine the tracks. The display will show Now Editing, followed by Complete.

The track number of the first combined track (i.e. the track immediately before the track selected prior to the combine operation) is used for the combined track.

The title of the second track is appended to that of the first track.


Selecting the first track and attempting a com- bine operation will result in the message TRK Illegal! being shown on the display—it is not possible to combine the first and last tracks.

Mono and stereo tracks cannot be combined.

In some cases where an MD has had many edit operations performed, the Cannot EDIT! message may appear on the dis- play. This does not indicate a fault with the disc or the machine, but is a property of the MD recording system.

5.5 Moving tracks

This function allows you to edit the running order of the tracks, and re-place a track in a different position. This can also be used with the combine function (5.4, "Combining tracks") in order to combine non-contig- uous tracks.

Before a move operation, the tracks and numbers



5 - Moving tracks

look like:




Track number









This track is to be moved

Following the move operation, the tracks look like:


New track numbers




















(track numbers before the move)

The “gap” is closed up, and all tracks are re-num- bered in the new sequence. A move operation can be carried out in the stop, play ready or play modes.

1Use the TRACK keys, or any convenient method, to select the track to be moved.

2After pressing the EDIT key, turn the DATA dial until the display shows:


3Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to open the move menu. The display will show:

Move to 001?

The three numeric digits indicate the track num- ber that the current track will occupy after the move operation.

4Use the DATA dial to change the destination track number.

5Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise. The dis- play will show Now Editing, followed by Complete.

All tracks will be automatically renumbered.


You cannot move a track to itself, e.g. if you have selected track 1, the destination number cannot be 001. The display will show a Not Execute message if you attempt this.

5.6 A and B point erase operations

The two location points (see 4.2.6, "Playback between two location points") can be used for a vari- ety of erasure purposes. Although the basic principle

TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 5–3

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Tascam MD-801R/P Mk II, MD-801P Mk II owner manual Moving tracks, B point erase operations