Important:To the Operator Model C006
Data MenuData Menu Screen
The Data Menu screen allows the operator to view the total number of cycles completed
since the last reset for a product flavor combination.
Step Action
1Press the CLEAN/CAL button. The screen will prompt the
operator to enter the access code. Use the size buttons to
enter the code as follows: 3 (MED) 2 (SM) 1 (X-SM).
2Upon entry, the screen will read “CLEAN PRESS FLVR”.
3Press the CLEAN/CAL button five times to display“DATA
PRESS PR/FL”. Coffee isthe default product and can be
changed by pressing any product button.
4Press the selected product/flavor combination. The
corresponding flavor and product LED's will illuminate. The
product will be displayed up to 6 characters, a space and
the number of cycles for the flavor/product combination
dispensed from 0 to 65000.
5To reset the selected product/flavor counter, the operator
should press and hold the flavor button for 4 seconds. The
counter will reset to 0.
6Press the CLEAN/CAL button to return to the “CLEAN
PRESS FLVR” screen.
7Press the CLEAN/CAL button to advance withinthe
Service Menu. Press and hold the CLEAN/CALbutton for 4
seconds to exit the Service Menu.
Cleaning LockoutThis unit is manufactured with a 60 daylockout cleaning feature. To minimize the amount
of product discarded in this process, the CLEAN/CAL light will flash for three days priorto
the 60th day. At the end of day 60, the unit will lockout (no dispensing allowed) and the
screenwill display “LOCKED FOR CLEAN”. At that time any remaining product in the tanks
must be discarded prior to performing the cleaning process.
Tounlock the unit the operator must clean the unit. After the unit is cleaned,press and hold
the“CLEAN/CAL” button for 4 seconds. The screen will display “CLEANED” for 4 seconds
and will clear for normal operation.