TroubleshootingGuide Model C006
Problem Probable Cause Remedy
3. An improper amount of
product is being
a. Incorrect calibration. a. Re-calibrate.
b. The product tube is
obstructed or kinked. b. Clear the obstruction or
c. The product tube is not
properly aligned over
the pump rollers.
c. Realign the product
tube, centering it over
the pump rollers and
removing any slack.
(See page 21.)
d. The unit was improperly
reset. d. Fill the tank to the fill
line and reset (full or
low fill level). Full = HI
(586 ml) and Low Fill =
LO (195 ml).
e. The product tube is
damaged. e. Replace the tube.
If assistance or service is needed, please contact your local Taylor Distributor.