Model C006 Table of Contents
Table of Contents - Page 2
Dispensing Flavor Shots - Hot Beverages 24................................
Dispensing Flavor Shots - Box of Coffee 25.................................
Dispensing Flavor Shots - Iced Coffee 26...................................
Dispensing Flavor Shots - Latté (Hot or Iced) 27.............................
Section 6 Cleaning and Maintenance 28.................................
Cleaning Procedure 28...................................................
Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance Schedule 28..........................
Section 7 TroubleshootingGuide 29....................................
General Troubleshooting 29...............................................
Section 8 Parts List 31.................................................
Wiring Diagram 33.......................................................
Note: Continuing research results in steadyimprovements; therefore, information
in this manual is subject to changewithout notice.
Note: Only instructions originating from the factoryor its authorized translation
representative(s) are considered to be the original set of instructions.
EAugust, 2008 Taylor (Original Publication)
(Updated August, 2012)
All rights reserved.
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Taylor Company
750 N. Blackhawk Blvd.
Rockton, IL 61072