16 Models RD30/RC25Operating Procedures
Place the control switch in the “WASH” position. Press
the fill switch to activate the mix solenoid. The mix
solenoidwill remain open unt il the mix level float switch
is satisfied. Drain sanitizer from the freezing cylinder
and repeat this procedure until full strengt h solution is
dispensed from the mix delivery container. Make sure
all sanitizer is removedfrom t hef illsystem. Place the
fillswit ch in the “OFF” position and drain any r emaining
solution from the freezing cylinder.
Figure 23
For units equipped with a post mix valve, the
following procedu re is to be used in p lace of Step
1 of the Sanitizing Procedure.
Prepare a pail of approved 100 PPM cleaning solution
(examples: 2- 1/2 gal. [9.5 liters] of Kay- 5Ror 2 gal.
[7.6 liters] of Stera- SheenR). USE WARM WATER
SPECIFICATIONS. Pour the solution into a clean,
empty mix delivery system container.
Figure 24
Place the control switch in the “WASH” position. Place
the “FILL” switch in the “ON” position. To prime the fill
valve, press and hold the area marked “PUSH” on the
front of the post mix valve (prime button). After 10
seconds, release the valve and the cleaning solution
willcontinue t o flow until the mix float is satisfied or unt il
the fill switch is turned to the “OFF” pos ition.
Figure 25
Note: If the cleaning solution does not continue to
flow after releasing the prime button, press and hold
the prime button for an additional ten (10) seconds.
Repeat this procedure as required to prime the post
mix valve.
Figure 26
Drain the sanitizer from the freezing cylinder and
repeat this procedure until all the cleaning solution is
dispensed from the mix delivery container. Disconnect
the mix delivery container.
Figure 27