4Models RD30/RC25To the Installer
Units Equipped With Post Mix Valve
Step 1
Connect syrup and water lines.
Note: Adjust the syrup supply pressure to maint ain 60
PSIG. Water pressure minimum 40 PSIG, maximum
100 PSIG, may require regulated water supply.
Step 2
Turn the “FILL” switch in the front of the RD30 to the
“ON” position.
Step 3
Press and hold the area on the front of the post m ix
valvemarked “PUSH” to prime the fill system. Priming
is required until the B.I.B. switch and the float switch
are both satisfied. Priming is complete when product
will flow without pressing the “PUSH” button.
Step 4
To adjust either the syrup or water flow rate, turn the
flow adjustment screw clockwise to increase flow, or
counterclockwise to decrease flow. Adjust the screws
until the desired brix is obt ained. The flow rate should
be 1.5 to 2.5 oz. (43 fl. ml.) per second.
Note: Both syrup and water flow adjustment screws
are located inside the post mix valve cover. Viewed
from the front, the syrup adjus tment screw is on the
right and water adjustment is on the left.