How the Modifiers are connectedThe basic flow of both the internal and external controllers is explained in this chapter.
In the G-Force you have a number of external controller inputs. These can be MIDI controllers, MIDI program change, the G-
Force Ext. input 1/4” jack etc. These inputs must be connected to eight virtual handles named Ext. 1-8. The eight handles (Ext.
1-8) can be connected to a large number of algorithm parameters via the Modifier Matrix (see Matrix for further details). The
point of the eight handles is that their connections are stored in the presets of the G-Force, meaning that you can use the
same pedal for various purposes just by changing presets. These parameters status are not stored with the preset: Main vol.
Bypass, Tempo and Tuner.
The G-Force also contains several extra internal Modifiers i.e. extra LFOs, ADRs, Envelope follower etc. These internal
Modifiers are also present in the Modifier matrix, and can be connected to the same parameters as Ext. 1-8.
The default setting of a Modifier connected parameter is equal to it’s setting in the Edit parameter display.
Example: The Reverb mix level is set up to be controlled by a pedal, and the Mix parameter in the Edit parameter
display is set to 15 %. When this preset is Recalled, the Reverb Mix will be 15%, and at first movement of the pedal,
you will be in total control.
Setting up an ExpressionpedalExample:You want to connect an
expression pedal to the input level of the
Delay block:
Connect your expression pedal to the G-
Force external control jack on the back
panel, and Recall a preset containing a
Press the I/O Setup key and select the
Control display. Use the Parameter
wheel to scroll down to the Modifier input
section, and place the cursor on Ext. 1.
Dial the Value wheel to select Pedal.
Now you have hooked up your
expression pedal to one of the eight
handles, so let’s move on to connecting
the handle to a parameter. Press the
MOD key and use the < > Arrow keys to
select the Matrix. Use the Value wheel to
scroll horizontally, until you see Ext. 1
(your pedal) in the top line. Now use the
Parameter wheel to scroll vertically until
you see the Delay Inlevel. Press Enter to
connect Ext. 1 to Delay In Level.
NOTE: If the parameter does not respond correctly, try to
calibrate your pedal (see Utility, Pedal Calibration).