DelayThe Delay block has five different sub-algorithms:
Stereo, Dual, Dual Two-tap, One-tap and Quad-tap.
Effect Spillover from one preset to another can be
obtained by using the same sub-algorithm, and
combination of Mute mode = “Fx In” and bypassing the
current block.
Example: If you want to leave a Delay tail hanging over
a preset change, make sure to keep the same sub-
algorithm in both presets. In addition to that you should
select the “Fx In” Mute mode and just bypass the Delay
block in the second preset.
Changing parameters like the Feedback or Mix over a
preset change can kill the Delay.
Sets the delay time of both Left and Right channel.
Maximum delay time is 740 ms.
The Tempo parameter sets the relationship to the
global Tempo e.g. if you set it to 1/4Tyou will get
quarter note triplets of the tapped tempo. 1/4 equals
the BPM (tapped Tempo).
If you select “Ignored” the current parameter will use
the Preset value and will not be affected by the Global
Adjusts the Feedback of both Left and Right channels.
If the Feedback parameter is set to 100%, the
G-Force will loop Delay signal. Connect an
Expression pedal and check out preset 174
and 175 for a start.
Out Level
Controls the output level of the Pitch block.
Mute mode
See Mute mode in the introduction of this chapter
DetuneVoice 1-2
Sets the amount of pitch on each of the two voices.
Maximum pitch is +/- 50 cents.
Delay 1-2
Sets the Delay of the each of the two voices. Maximum
delay time per voice is 400 ms.
Pan Position 1-2
Controls the panning of each of the two detune voices.
Level 1-2
Sets the level of the two detune voices.
Mix between direct sound and effect.
In Level
Controls the input level of the block.
Out Level
Controls the output level of the Pitch block.
Mute mode
See Mute mode in the introduction of this chapter.