Out Drive
Outdrive is simulating the kind of distortion that you
would get from the output stage of an amplifier.
Mix between direct sound and effect.
In Level
Controls the input level of the block.
Out Level
Controls the output level of the Drive block.
Connect this parameter to the Envelope follower
in the Modifier Matrix to eliminate noise from the
Mute mode
See Mute mode in the introduction of this chapter.
The Chorus/Flanger BlockThe Chorus block is based on the heritage of the
TC 2290 Dynamic Delay and 1210 Chorus/Flanger.
AChorus/Flanger is basically a short delay that gets
modulated by an LFO. The difference between Chorus
and Flanging is the Feedback of the Flanger. That is
the parameter that gives you that classic mid-range
tone. The modulation of the short delay gives very
small variations in pitch, these pitch changes blended
with the direct sound gives you the Chorus sound,
while the modulated signal alone will give you a Pitch
modulator also known as Vibrato.
Classic Chorus The Classic Chorus uses a relationship between Speed
and Depth called the Golden Ratio. The G-Force
inherited this feature from the TC 2290.
The speed of the Chorus, also known as Rate.
The Tempo parameter sets the relationship to the
global Tempo e.g. if you set it to 1/4Tyou will get
quarter note triplets of the tapped tempo. 1/4 equals
the BPM (tapped Tempo).
If you select “Ignored” the current parameter will use
the Preset value and will not be affected by the Global
Adjusts the depth of the Chorus, also known as
Mix between direct sound and effect.
In Level
Controls the input level of the block.
Mute mode
See Mute mode in the introduction of this chapter.
Create a Vibrato by setting the Mix at 100%,
Depth at 5-10% and Speed to 1-2 Hz.