Foreword by Palle Schultz, a guitar player with 10 years experience.
From a users point of view
If you ditch your beloved stomp boxes and invest your money in a
multi- effects unit, you'll most likely lose the simplicity and flexibility of
your pedal arrangement. You'll often have to deal with phone book
sized manuals and interfaces made by and for computer experts.
These circumstances often drive creative people and musicians away
from such space-age machinery.
I've owned several different effect units, that each had their own
version of a hostile user interface so I've been waiting a long time for
someone to develop a multi-effect that doesn't clash with ones creative
state of mind. The fact that those "someone" are the people of TC
Electronic guaranties the quality of the entire product.
The G-FORCE is a very flexible machine which is very easy to
approach. You have the choice of simply using it as a linear chain of
effects or you can go beyond the use of any known multi-effect unit,
and explore the countless combinations and control possibilities within
the G-FORCE.
After a short while of using the G-Force, I changed my whole approach
towards the creation of effects for my guitar. From simple use of
standard effects like delay, chorus and reverb connected in a straight
line, I now find myself thinking up a non-existing effect like say; a
tremolo that only kicks in when you play on the high notes, while the
level of a phased distorted dark delay is controlled by your old volume
pedal that you calibrated for use with your G-FORCE.
If you are totally new to digital machinery like the G-FORCE, and are a
hard-core knob turner but get frustrated dealing with scroll bars, LCD-
displays and strange technical terms, then you have ended up buying
the right product. The TC Electronic G-FORCE is so easy to use that
it’s a bit ridiculous that this manual even exists. When you cruise
around the G-FORCE, and want a certain thing to happen and have a
feeling that this particular parameter is the right one to adjust, then
you're most probably right. The way you learn this machine is by using
it, don't be afraid of tweaking anything to its maximum, the edges are
the learning spot and from there you either take a fall or a step back.
The cool thing about the G-FORCE is that you won't hurt yourself, if
you go over the edge, but you might end up with the strangest or
coolest new effect you ever heard.
One very pleasing side effect of owning a G-FORCE is the dramatically
lighter rack you'll end up with. Mine certainly slimmed down to a tiny
Formula One sized powerhouse.
Palle Schultz