Parametric Equalizer
The parametric EQ contains two shelving filters (#1
and #5) and three bell filters (#2, #3, #4).
Alow shelving filter is a filter that works from a certain
target frequency and down, meaning everything below
the target frequency will be adjusted. Ahigh shelving
filter is equal to low shelving but now all the
frequencies above the target are adjusted.
Abell filter is a filter that works around a target. This
means that a certain number of the adjacent
frequencies are adjusted. The affected number of
adjacent frequencies is adjusted by the BW
(bandwidth) parameter.
Use the freq parameter to set the target frequency of
the current band.
Slope/BW (bandwidth)
Use the Slope parameter to adjust the steepness of
the shelving filter. Bandwidth adjusts how broad the
bell filters are.
Use the gain to boost or cut the target frequency. All
filters can boost or cut +/-12dB.
In Level
Controls the input level of the block.
Out Level
Controls the output level of the block.
Mute mode
See Mute mode in the introduction of this chapter.
The Resonance filters are basically a high and low cut
filter that can be swept up and down the frequency
range. When the Resonance (Q-factor) parameter is
increased, the filter’s peak at the cutoff frequency gets
very narrow and very steep. That is at the very core of
the characteristic sound of Resonance filters.
NOTE: The peak of the filters can get very loud and
can easily hit the internal ceiling and thereby cause
distortion. To prevent that, turn down the input level of
the Filter block.
The Order parameter of the resonance filters changes
the steepness of the filters. 2nd order filters are
12dB/Octave while 4th order are 24dB/Octave. 4th
order filters will “ring” or resonate more than 2nd order
Locut freq
Sets the frequency of the Locut resonance filter.
Hicut Freq
Sets the frequency of the Hicut resonance filter.
Lo Resonance
Sets the amount of resonance on the Locut filter.
Hi Resonance
Sets the amount of resonance on the Hicut filter.
Try to connect an LFO or an expression pedal
to the two frequency parameters using the
Modifier Matrix.
Mix between direct sound and effect.
In Level
Controls the input level of the block.