When you have two lines connected, (i.e. Ext.1 connected
to Tremolo speed) it is possible to make a transformation
between the two lines. Move the cursor to the dot
connecting the two lines and press Enter to enter the Link
Cursor Slope
In the Link display, you can change the curve between the
Modifier and the actual movement of the current parameter.
Low input
Use this parameter to adjust the minimum value of the
modifier i.e. when your expression pedal is in the minimum
Mid input
Use this parameter to adjust the medium value of the
modifier i.e. when your expression pedal is in the middle
High input
Use this parameter to adjust the maximum value of the
modifier i.e. when your expression pedal is in the maximum
NOTE: These same transform parameters apply to the
other modulation sources, for example Envelope, Low
when the input signal into the G-Force is at its lowest and
High when it is at its loudest.
Dial the Slope parameter to change the shape of the curve.
Try it out and watch the curve change.
Cursor Connection Point Parameter List
The Matrix is where you connect your External pedals
(set up in I/O Setup, Ext. Input) or the internal Modifiers
to the parameters you want to control.
Dial the Parameter wheel to move the cursor vertically and
the Value wheel to move the cursor horizontally. Press
Enter to connect the two lines. Press Exit to remove a
The basic concept is that you have a number of Modifiers
(extra LFOs, ADSRs, ENV and your Ext. Inputs) in the top
line of the Matrix. On the right hand side of the Matrix you
have a list of the parameters available in the current
preset. This means that an effect has to be present in the
preset before it can appear in the parameter list.
Not all parameters in an effect are available.
To connect a Modifier to a parameter, you move the
cursor to the point where their two lines meet, and
press Enter to connect them.
Example: You want LFO1 to modulate the speed of a
Tremolo (be sure that the Tremolo is in the current preset).
Now move the cursor horizontally by dialing the Value
wheel until you have the cursor just below LFO1. Next step
is to find the Tremolo speed. Dial the Parameter wheel until
you hit the point where Tremolo speed and LFO1 intersect
each other, now press Enter. The small dot indicates that
the LFO and Tremolo speed are connected.