The Tuner display
When pressing the Tuner key, you access the Tuner
display. In the Tuner display, you have four setup
parameters. Entering the Tuner display also activates
the Tuner guides on both the Billboard and the Gain
reduction meters.
Tuning Note
With this parameter you can either choose the Detect
mode or you can manually select which note you want to
tune. When the tuner is set to Detect it will automatically
sense what note you are playing. This will be indicated on
the Billboard together with two arrows showing you
whether you are a bit flat or sharp. At the same time the
gain reduction meters will indicate how much you are out of
tune. When the two center LEDs are lit, you are in tune.
Master tune
With the Master tune parameter you can calibrate the
Note: The Master Tune controls the pitch detector, meaning
that the tuning of the Pitch voices will change with the
Master tune.
Show always
When “Show Always” is on, the Billboard will show the
Tuner constantly. This allows you to always be able to turn
around and see if you are in tune. This parameter is also
available in Utility.
Mute in Tuner
This parameter enables you to mute the outputs of the G-
Force when the Tuner is activated. This means that you
Choose Detect or manual note selection
Master Tune
Mute when Tuner is active
Billboard is always Tuner
TUNERcan tune your guitar on stage with no sound at all. The
sound will only be muted while the tuner display is active.
Tuner activated via pedal/MIDI
The Tuner can be activated via the External input jack on
the back panel of the G-Force or via MIDI. That is setup in
the I/O Setup, Control display.