Data Sheet: Xeta iHG48070A033V, 3.3V/70A Output Half Brick Series
ThepowermodulesaredesignedusingTDK Innoveta’s stringent design guidelines for componentderating,productqualification,and design reviews. Early failures are screened out by both burnin and an automated final test. The MTBF is calculated to be greater than 3M hours using the Telcordia TR332 calculationmethod.
Improperhandlingorcleaningprocessescan adversely affect the appearance, testability, andreliabilityofthepowermodules. Contact TDKInnovetatechnicalsupportforguidance regarding proper handling, cleaning, and solderingofTDKInnoveta’spowermodules.
TDKInnoveta’sproductdevelopmentprocess incorporatesadvancedqualityplanningtools such as FMEA and Cpk analysis to ensure designsarerobustandreliable.Allproducts are assembled at ISO certified assembly plants.
TDKInnoveta’scomprehensivelineofpower solutions includes efficient, highdensity DC DCconverters. TDKInnovetaoffersathree year limited warranty. Complete warranty information is listed on our web site or is availableuponrequestfromTDKInnoveta.
TDK Innoveta Inc.
Information furnished by TDK Innoveta is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, TDK Innoveta assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties, which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of TDK Innoveta. TDK Innoveta components are not designed to be used in applications, such as life support systems, wherein failure or malfunction could result in injury or death. All sales are subject to TDK Innoveta’s Terms and Conditions of Sale, which are available upon request. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
©2008TDKInnovetaInc. | ℡(877)498 0099 |
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