Data Sheet: Xeta iHG48070A033V, 3.3V/70A Output Half Brick Series
terminals,theoutputvoltageisadjusteddown. To adjust the output voltage down a percentage of Vout (%Vo) from Vo,nom, the trim resistor should be chosen according to thefollowingequation:
Rdown = (Δ down − 2) kΩ
Δdown = Vnom − Vdesired ⋅100% Vnom
The current limit set point does not increase as the module is trimmed down, so the availableoutputpowerisreduced.
Circuit to increase output voltage
Witharesistorbetweenthetrimandsense(+) terminals, the output voltage is adjusted up. Toadjusttheoutputvoltageupapercentage of Vout (%Vo) from Vo,nom the trim resistor should be chosen according to the following equation:
| V | nom | |
| ||
| |
| − 2 | ⋅ (1 | + Δ |
| ) + 1 | |||
| up | |||||||
| V |
| |
| |||
| ref |
| ||||
R |
| = | |
| |
| kΩ | ||
up |
| Δ up |
| |||||
| |||
Δup = Vdesired − Vnom ⋅100% and
The value of Vref is found in the Electrical Datasectionforthepowermoduleofinterest. Trimupandtrimdowncurvesarefoundinthe
ElectricalCharacteristicssectionforthepower moduleofinterest.
Themaximumpoweravailablefromthepower module is fixed. As the output voltage is trimmedup,themaximumoutputcurrentmust bedecreasedtomaintainthemaximumrated powerofthemodule.
As the output voltage is trimmed, the output overvoltage set point is not adjusted. Trimming the output voltage too high may causetheoutputovervoltageprotectioncircuit tobetriggered.
Remote Sense: The power modules feature remotesensetocompensatefortheeffectof output distribution drops. The output voltage sense range defines the maximum voltage allowed between the output power terminals andoutputsenseterminals,anditisfoundon
Rup theelectricaldatapageforthepowermodule ofinterest. Iftheremotesensefeatureisnot being used, the Sense(+) terminal should be connected to the Vo(+) terminal and the Sense()terminalshouldbeconnectedtothe Vo()terminal.TheoutputvoltageattheVo(+) andVo()terminalscanbeincreasedbyeither the remote sense or the output voltage adjustment feature. The maximum voltage increase allowed is the larger of the remote senserangeortheoutputvoltageadjustment range;itisnotthesumofboth.
Astheoutputvoltageincreasesduetotheuse of the remote sense, the maximum output current must be decreased for the power moduletoremainbelowitsmaxpowerrating.
EMC Considerations: TDK Innoveta power modulesaredesignedforuseinawidevariety of systems and applications. For assistance with designing for EMC compliance, please contactTDKInnovetatechnicalsupport.
Input Impedance:Thesourceimpedanceof the power feeding the DC/DC converter modulewillinteractwiththeDC/DCconverter. Tominimizetheinteraction,a220470uFinput electrolyticcapacitorshouldbepresent.
©2008TDKInnovetaInc. | ℡(877)498 0099 |
iHGDatasheet20080515Revision1.1 | 14/16 |
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