Product Installation Notice
What happens when first time connected?
When power is first applied, you product will introduce a
Is Digital TV reception available in your home?
Generally speaking; if this receiver was on display (demonstration) by your local retailer and you live within the same area/town/city, then it should work within your home.
If you experience
Your professional antenna installer will need to check your signal quality (not necessarily the signal strength) for digital reception. The antenna installer may advise you to upgrade your television antenna to a new digital ready antenna, and install new cabling such as RG6 quad shield cable.
For more information on digital television installations, visit the Digital Broadcast Australia website found at
I don’t seem to have Digital TV reception in my home, what shall I do?
Digital Television is still considered relatively new to Australia and it will take time for it to be available everywhere around Australia. If Digital Television reception is not available to you, neatly place together all packaging and supplied cables back into the box. Have your receipt (proof of purchase) ready and contact your place of purchase for further details on what you should do.
Going into Standby mode
When you enter the standby mode; around 1 minute later, your