A few basic recipes


White bread dough

500 g white bread making flour – 300 g warm water – 2 sachets of baker’s yeast – 10 g salt.

In the food processor bowl equipped with the multi-purpose blade, add the flour, salt and yeast. Operate at speed 2, and in the first few seconds, add the warm water through the lid funnel. As soon as the dough forms a ball (after about 60 secs), stop the food processor. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place,untilithasdoubledinvolume. Thenworkthedoughtoshapeit,andthenplaceitonyourbuttered and floured baking tray. Leave it to rise again. Preheat French Electric oven to Th.8 (240°). As soon as the breadhasdoubledinvolume,placeitintheoven,andlowerthetemperaturetoTh.6(180°). Leavetocook for 30 to 40 min. At the same time, in the oven, add a glass of water to help form the crust on hr bread. For the UK only

Use strong bread flour. Substitute 1 sachet of bakers yeast with 1 teaspoon of Easy Bake or Fast Action dried yeast and add to the bowl with the flour, before adding the water. After processing, shape the doughintoaballandthenleavetoriseforabout1hourinawarmplaceuntildoubledinsize. Shapeand cook as directed above. Cook using UK gas mark 9 and then reduce to UK gas mark 4.

Pizza dough

150gwhitebreadmakingflour–90mlwarmwater–2tablespoonsofoliveoil–½sachetofbaker’syeast– salt.

In the food processor bowl equipped with the multi-purpose blade, add the flour, salt and yeast. Operate at speed 2, and in the first few seconds, add the warm water and olive oil through the lid funnel. As soon as the dough forms a ball (after about 15 to 20secs), stop the food processor. Leave the dough toriseinawarmplace,untilithasdoubledinvolume. PreheatFrenchElectricoventoTh.8(240°). Rollout the dough and add the garnish: tomato purée and onions, mushrooms, ham, mozzarella, etc. Add a few anchovies and black olives if you wish, sprinkle with a little oregano and grated cheese, and pour a few drops of olive oil over it. Place the pizza on your buttered and floured baking tray. Put in the oven for 15 to 20 min, watching as it cooks.

For the UK only

Use strong bread flour. Substitute half sachet of bakers yeast with half teaspoon of Easy Bake or Fast Actiondriedyeastandaddtothebowlwiththeflour,beforeaddingthewater. Afterprocessing,prepare and cook as directed above or using UK gas mark 9.

Short crust pastry

280gflour – 140gpiecesofsoftenedbutterr – 70mlwater – apinchofsalt

In the food processor bowl equipped with the multi-purpose blade add the flour, salt and the butter. Operateatspeed2forafewseconds,thenaddthewaterthroughthelidfunnel. Letitrununtilthepastry has formed a ball (25 to 30 secs). Leave it to rest in a cool place for at least 1hour, before rolling it out and cooking it with the ingredients of your choice.

Pancake batter

(in food processor bowl equipped with the multi-purpose blade, or in the blender jug)

160 g flour – 1/3l milk – 2 eggs – ½ teaspoon fine salt – 2 tablespoons oil – 15 g sugar (optional) – Rum (dependingonyourtaste)

In the food processor bowl equipped with the multi-purpose blade, add all of the ingredients: Operate at speed 1 for 20 secs, then switch to speed 2 for 25 secs.

In theblenderjug, add alloftheingredients excepttheflour. Operateatspeed 2, and afterafewseconds, progressively add the flour, through the centre hole of the blender jug lid, then mix for 45 secs.