IPound cake
200 g plain flour – 1 sachet of baking powder – 200 g pieces of softened butter – 200 g caster sugar – 4wholeeggs – ½sachetor1½tspbakingpowder – 1pinchofsalt
In the food processor bowl equipped with the
Spice cake
200gplainflour – 100gpiecesofsoftenedbutter – 100gcastersugar – 4eggs – 60mlmilk – 1teaspoon of liquid honey – 1 packet baking powder – 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon – 1 teaspoon ground ginger – 1teaspoongratednutmeg – 1gratedorangerind – 1pinchofpepper.
In the food processor bowl equipped with the
Serve warm or cold with stewed fruit or marmalade.
Moist chocolate cake
Melt the chocolate in a
In the food processor bowl equipped with the
Chantilly Cream
The bowl must be very cold, place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Inthebowlequippedwiththeemulsifyingdisk,addthefreshcreamandtheicingsugar.Selectspeed2and operate for 40 secs.
In the bowl equipped with the emulsifying disk, add all the ingredients except the oil. Select speed 2, operate for 5 secs, then stop the food processor, pour the oil in very slowly through the lid funnel. When the mayonnaise is stiff, it becomes pale in colour.
Attention: to make good mayonnaise, the ingredients must be at room temperature.
Note: keep in the refrigerator and eat within 24 hours.