84 AFG3000 Series Quick Start User Manual
Electrical (AFG3011)
Operating Mode
Run Mode Continuous, Modulation, Sweep, and Burst
Burst Count 1 to 1,000,000 cycles or Infinite
Internal Trigger Rate 1.000 μs to 500.0 s
Standard Sine, Square, Pulse, Ramp, More (Sin(x)/x, Noise, DC, Gaussian, Lorentz,
Exponential Rise, Exponential Decay, and Haversine)
Arbitrary Waveform
Waveform Length 2 to 131,072
Sampling Rate 250 MS/s
Resolution 14 bits
Non-volatile Waveform Memory 4
Sine11 μHz to 10 MHz
Square 1 μHz to 5 MHz
Pulse 1 mHz to 5 MHz
Ramp, Sin(x)/x, Gaussian, Lorentz,
Exponential Rise, Exponential Decay,
1 μHz to 100 kHz
Arbitrary21 mHz to 5 MHz
Resolution 1 μHz or 12 digits
✔Accuracy (Stability) ±1 ppm, 0 °C to 50 °C (except Arb)
±1 ppm ±1 μHz, 0 °C to 50 °C (Arb)
Accuracy (Aging) ±1 ppm/year
Phase (except DC, Noise, Pulse)
Range3–180.00° to +180.00°
Lead Delay (Pulse)
Range (Continuous Mode) 0 ps to Period
Range (Triggered/Gated Burst Mode) 0 ps to Period – [Pulse Width + 0.8 * (Leading Edge Time + Trailing Edge
Resolution 10 ps or 8 digits