1780R-Series Operator’s Manual 4–17
ICPM Measurement
Enter ICPM Measurement Mode
(Incidental Carrier Phase Modulation)
Push the MEASURE button to enable the Measurement menu,
shown in Figure 4–1.
Touch <ICPM> on the screen.
The instrument is now configured as specified in Table 4–4.
Table 4–4: ICPM Front-Panel Configuration
VECTORSCOPE Selected by operator
WAVEFORM Waveform display enabled, other choices locked out
INPUT Selected by operator
FILTER Low pass
MAGNIFIER Automatically set to X25, other choices may be selected by
GAINS Calibrated gains
WAVEFORM POSITION Horizontal and Vertical Position control settings selected by
operator are saved and reinstated each time the ICPM
mode is enabled.
Exit ICPM Measurement Mode
To exit ICPM mode, push the MEASURE button again. All
instrument settings return to their previous state.
ICPM Measurement Information
ICPM is measured by observing an XY display of quadrature output
of a 1450 demodulator versus the video signal itself.
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual 4–17
ICPM Measurement
Enter ICPM Measurement Mode
(Incidental Carrier Phase Modulation)
Push the MEASURE button to enable the Measurement menu,
shown in Figure 4–1.
Touch <ICPM> on the screen.
The instrument is now configured as specified in Table 4–4.
Table 4–4: ICPM Front-Panel Configuration
VECTORSCOPE Selected by operator
WAVEFORM Waveform display enabled, other choices locked out
INPUT Selected by operator
FILTER Low pass
MAGNIFIER Automatically set to X25, other choices may be selected by
GAINS Calibrated gains
WAVEFORM POSITION Horizontal and Vertical Position control settings selected by
operator are saved and reinstated each time the ICPM
mode is enabled.
Exit ICPM Measurement Mode
To exit ICPM mode, push the MEASURE button again. All
instrument settings return to their previous state.
ICPM Measurement Information
ICPM is measured by observing an XY display of quadrature output
of a 1450 demodulator versus the video signal itself.