5–18 1780R-Series Operator’s ManualTable 5–8: Vectorscope XY Display Characteristics Performance
Requirements Supplemental
Input DC coupled differential
inputs through rear-panel
Input Amplitude 2 to 9 V peak-to-peak. Adjustable full scale deflec-
tion 0 dBm to +12 dBm for
600 W system. Factory set
to 0 dBm.
Maximum Input Voltage 15 V combined peak signal and
Frequency Response DC to >500 kHz. 3 dB point.
X and Y Input Phase
Matching < a trace width of separation at
20 kHz. Single-ended. Phase
matching above 20 kHz
may be improved by adjust-
ing Vertical Deflection
Amplifier VHF Compensa-
Table 5–9: Vectorscope SCH Phase Display Characteristics Performance
Requirements Supplemental
Absolute ±5_ phase at 25_ C.
Relative ±2_.
Temperature Stability ±0.1_ phase/_C.
Acquisition Time ≤1 sec.
Display Phase Error
Caused by CRT Geome-
try Variations
±1.25_ calibrated for zero
display phase error at zero
SCH phase.
5–18 1780R-Series Operator’s ManualTable 5–8: Vectorscope XY Display Characteristics Performance
Requirements Supplemental
Input DC coupled differential
inputs through rear-panel
Input Amplitude 2 to 9 V peak-to-peak. Adjustable full scale deflec-
tion 0 dBm to +12 dBm for
600 W system. Factory set
to 0 dBm.
Maximum Input Voltage 15 V combined peak signal and
Frequency Response DC to >500 kHz. 3 dB point.
X and Y Input Phase
Matching < a trace width of separation at
20 kHz. Single-ended. Phase
matching above 20 kHz
may be improved by adjust-
ing Vertical Deflection
Amplifier VHF Compensa-
Table 5–9: Vectorscope SCH Phase Display Characteristics Performance
Requirements Supplemental
Absolute ±5_ phase at 25_ C.
Relative ±2_.
Temperature Stability ±0.1_ phase/_C.
Acquisition Time ≤1 sec.
Display Phase Error
Caused by CRT Geome-
try Variations
±1.25_ calibrated for zero
display phase error at zero
SCH phase.