Operating Instructions
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual 3–3
For software versions 1.13 and up, installed in instruments
SN B020100 and up: Voltage cursors are automatically enabled when
in Line Select with Timing Cursors.
Line Select
This switch enables the line select function, which is available for
both waveform and vectorscope. For waveform display, the selected
line is displayed first in a multiple line display, and brightened in a
field display. Alpha-numeric readout indicates the selected line and
field on both CRTs.
In software versions 1.11 and up, a 1 of 8 Field reference is
provided, for use with ghost-cancelling signals. In NTSC, the 8 Field
reference is built from two groups of 4 Fields. Touching <ALT
FIELD> will toggle between the two groups as a starting point for
the 8 Field reference.
When 2 of 4 Field reference is selected, the <FIELD> area in the
lower right corner of the screen will toggle between Fields 1 and 3 or
Fields 2 and 4; when 1 of 4 is chosen, it will allow selection of Field
1, 2, 3, or 4; and when 1 of 8 (present in software versions 1.11 and
up) is chosen, it will allow selection of Field 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.
The selected field or field pair is boxed. When <ALL> Fields is
selected, the <FIELD> area is no longer present in the lower right
corner of the screen, and all fields are overlaid.
To enable the Line Select menu, first push the LINE SELECT
front-panel button, then touch <LSEL MENU> on the vectorscope
CRT until <ON> is outlined. To exit the menu, push the same area
again until <OFF> is outlined.
Line Select menu choices are shown in Figures 3–1 and 3–2. Touch
desired area to toggle between choices. Current selection is outlined
by a box.
Touch <VECT 1H/15H> or <WFM 1H/15H> to display the selected
line (<1H>) or display the selected line plus the next 14 overlaid
(<15 H>).
Operating Instructions
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual 3–3
For software versions 1.13 and up, installed in instruments
SN B020100 and up: Voltage cursors are automatically enabled when
in Line Select with Timing Cursors.
Line Select
This switch enables the line select function, which is available for
both waveform and vectorscope. For waveform display, the selected
line is displayed first in a multiple line display, and brightened in a
field display. Alpha-numeric readout indicates the selected line and
field on both CRTs.
In software versions 1.11 and up, a 1 of 8 Field reference is
provided, for use with ghost-cancelling signals. In NTSC, the 8 Field
reference is built from two groups of 4 Fields. Touching <ALT
FIELD> will toggle between the two groups as a starting point for
the 8 Field reference.
When 2 of 4 Field reference is selected, the <FIELD> area in the
lower right corner of the screen will toggle between Fields 1 and 3 or
Fields 2 and 4; when 1 of 4 is chosen, it will allow selection of Field
1, 2, 3, or 4; and when 1 of 8 (present in software versions 1.11 and
up) is chosen, it will allow selection of Field 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.
The selected field or field pair is boxed. When <ALL> Fields is
selected, the <FIELD> area is no longer present in the lower right
corner of the screen, and all fields are overlaid.
To enable the Line Select menu, first push the LINE SELECT
front-panel button, then touch <LSEL MENU> on the vectorscope
CRT until <ON> is outlined. To exit the menu, push the same area
again until <OFF> is outlined.
Line Select menu choices are shown in Figures 3–1 and 3–2. Touch
desired area to toggle between choices. Current selection is outlined
by a box.
Touch <VECT 1H/15H> or <WFM 1H/15H> to display the selected
line (<1H>) or display the selected line plus the next 14 overlaid
(<15 H>).