1780R-Series Operator’s Manual 5–11Table 5–5: Waveform Monitor DG and DP Display Characteristics Performance
Requirements Supplemental
Differential Gain
Deflection Factor 5% dG deflects the trace 50 IRE
(NTSC) or 500 mV (PAL) ±5%. Waveform gain X1, Var.
gain off. Vector gain ad-
justed to place chroma at
compass rose.
Residual dG
(10 – 90% APL) ≤0.2%, last 90% of trace.
Calibrated dG CRT readout.
Resolution 0.1%.
Accuracy 0.1% ±10% of reading.
Range ±5%.
Differential Phase
Deflection Factor 5_ dP deflects the trace 50 IRE
(NTSC) or 500 mV (PAL) ±5%. Waveform gain X1, Var.
gain off. Vector gain ad-
justed to place chroma at
compass rose.
Residual dP
(10 – 90% APL) ≤0.1_, last 90% of trace.
Calibrated dP CRT readout.
Resolution 0.05_.
Accuracy ±0.1_ over any 10_ increment.
±0.1_ over full 360_, Ext. Ref.
±0.2_ burst lock.
Range 360_.
1780R-Series Operator’s Manual 5–11Table 5–5: Waveform Monitor DG and DP Display Characteristics Performance
Requirements Supplemental
Differential Gain
Deflection Factor 5% dG deflects the trace 50 IRE
(NTSC) or 500 mV (PAL) ±5%. Waveform gain X1, Var.
gain off. Vector gain ad-
justed to place chroma at
compass rose.
Residual dG
(10 – 90% APL) ≤0.2%, last 90% of trace.
Calibrated dG CRT readout.
Resolution 0.1%.
Accuracy 0.1% ±10% of reading.
Range ±5%.
Differential Phase
Deflection Factor 5_ dP deflects the trace 50 IRE
(NTSC) or 500 mV (PAL) ±5%. Waveform gain X1, Var.
gain off. Vector gain ad-
justed to place chroma at
compass rose.
Residual dP
(10 – 90% APL) ≤0.1_, last 90% of trace.
Calibrated dP CRT readout.
Resolution 0.05_.
Accuracy ±0.1_ over any 10_ increment.
±0.1_ over full 360_, Ext. Ref.
±0.2_ burst lock.
Range 360_.