Connectors, Controls, Indicators
2–18 1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
12. EXT HORIZ. The EXT HORIZ input connector allows external
control of waveform monitor sweeps. A positive-going signal
deflects the sweep from left to right. A 0 V to +5 V signal is
required for full scale deflection (ICPM).
13. SERIAL PORT. This 9-pin D-type connector provides a serial
remote control interface, compatible with both RS232 and RS422
standards. Serial Port communications are described in Section 3.
The connector pinout is shown in Figure 3–9 on page 3–18.
14. REMOTE. This 15-pin D-type connector provides a ground
closure remote control interface and signal inputs for Remote
Sync and RGB/YRGB. Remote operation is described in
Section 3. The connector pinout is shown in Figure 3–8 on
Connectors, Controls, Indicators
2–18 1780R-Series Operator’s Manual
12. EXT HORIZ. The EXT HORIZ input connector allows external
control of waveform monitor sweeps. A positive-going signal
deflects the sweep from left to right. A 0 V to +5 V signal is
required for full scale deflection (ICPM).
13. SERIAL PORT. This 9-pin D-type connector provides a serial
remote control interface, compatible with both RS232 and RS422
standards. Serial Port communications are described in Section 3.
The connector pinout is shown in Figure 3–9 on page 3–18.
14. REMOTE. This 15-pin D-type connector provides a ground
closure remote control interface and signal inputs for Remote
Sync and RGB/YRGB. Remote operation is described in
Section 3. The connector pinout is shown in Figure 3–8 on