Servicing Precautions
Mount Terminal Block1. Before installing the new power supply unit in the frame, mount the
terminal block (provided in the Field Modification kit) on the rear of the
Todd Multi-Output power assembly, as shown in Figure 4-4. The
terminal block has four terminals, but only two will be used. Remove
and discard the four tab connectors from the terminal block, but keep
two of the screws for the next step.
2. Install the blue and brown jumper wires from the kit as shown in
Figure 4-4. Connect only the power supply ends for now. (You will
have to disconnect the wires from the terminal block again when
connecting the frame wiring later in this procedure.
Figure 4-4. Installation of Terminal Block and Jumpers
Using Screws
Terminal Block
(from Kit)
on Rear of
Power Supply
Install Blue
Jumper Wire
Install Brown
Jumper Wire