
Section 1 — System Overview

Look-Ahead Preview

The Look-Ahead Preview option provides look-ahead preview processing
for the M/Es. This option is a mezzanine module which mounts on the
Mix/Wipe Module for that M/E. Without the Look-Ahead Preview
installed, only the switched preview is available for that M/E.

Timed Aux Output (Cell B16)

The Timed Aux Output Module provides three independent output pairs
(video/key) from aux buses 3A through 5B.

Extender Modules

A set of two Extender Modules is available.

Power Supplies

The switcher electronics frame and the control panel each have a single
standard power supply. The control panel power supply is located inside
the control panel tub. The switcher frames is powered by a power supply
that is mounted in the rack below the frame.
An optional redundant power supply assembly is available for the control
panel and the switcher frame.

Control Panel Power Supplies

Power is provided to the control panel by an assembly containing two
individual power supplies which is mounted inside the control panel tub.
The redundant power supply option provides a second, backup power
supply assembly. The optional assembly also mounts inside the panel.

Switcher Frame Power Supplies

Power for the switcher frame is provided by a single 19” rack mounted
assembly containing two individual power supplies. The assembly is rack
mounted directly below and wired directly to the switcher frame. When
the optional redundant supply is installed, it is rack mounted below the
standard supply and interconnected by a wiring harness. The frame power
supply assembly is air cooled by integral fans.