Section 2 — Installation
Remote Aux ConnectionsThe Remote Aux Control Panel consists of three parts:
■Remote Aux Panel Assembly
■Power supply with power cord
■Communications bus cable connector
NOTE: Due to limited access at the rear of the Remote Aux Panel after it is
installed in the rack, it is recommended that the communications cable and power
supply cord be connected and the DIP switches on the rear of the panel be set before
the panel assembly is installed in the rack.
Cable Installation
A Remote Aux cable connector is provided with each panel. See Figure 2-32
for connector illustration. This connector must be applied to a shielded
twisted-pair control cable with a D connector on the opposite end. The D
connector of the cable will later be plugged into the rear of the switcher
Do not plug the D connector in at this time. If power is applied to the switcher, the
cable line drivers in the switcher may be damaged.
The other end of the cable will be plugged into the Communications Bus
connector on the rear of the Remote Aux Panel using the supplied
connector. Any additional panel(s) will be connected to the previous panel.
Keep in mind that the total length of the cable must not exceed 1000 feet
(320 M).
Place the D-connector end of the cable so that it will reach J4 (AUX BUS
CTL) on the Communication I/O Module Slot C10.
Lay the cable from the switcher frame to where the first Remote Aux Panel
will be. Allow enough cable to reach the control panel connector, and about
3 feet (1 meter) extra, then cut the cable and strip the wires.