P6701B and P6703B PerformanceVerification

8P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 Service Manual

Table7: Test equipment (cont.)

Description Example productMinimum requirements
P6703Bonl y: 1310 nm cal
output > 200uW1,
stability> 0.1 dB over 5 minutes,
modulated square wave @ 10 kHz
with off modulation at zero-light
P6703Bonl y: 1550 nm cal
output > 200uW (CW)1,
stability> 0.1 dB over 5 minutes,
modulated square wave @ 10 kHz
with off modulation at zero-light
RFpower m eter noise<.1mV,BW>4GHz HP437B wit h powersensor
P6703Bonl y: 1300 nm
impulse generator
OIG 502
P6701Bonl y: 850 nm
impulse generator
OIG 501
Samplingoscilloscope 11K(1140X, CSA40xX, or
Adjustable optical
4decades, 50um coref iber,FC-
style connectors
JDS5000L wi th 62 m
fiber with FC connectors
Digital voltmeter 41/ 2 digit TektronixDMM916
50ohm termination ±1% 011-0049-01
Optical cable FC-FCmul timode, 62.5um, 2
Inline optical adapter FCfemale to FC female 131-5039-00
TekProbePower Supply Tektronix1103
Low-passfi lter 1GHz Mini Circuits SLP 1000
1CW and modulated mode available: modulation with OFF level at or below 0.1uW,
opticalfalltime < 1us
Noise Equivalent Power

1. Power the P670XB under test using an 1103 Tekprobepower supply.

2. Connect the P670XB output channel fromthe 1103 power supply to the

power meterinput with the 1 GHz filter in series with this connection.

3. Withthe dust cover on the input to the P670XB, the power meter reading

should be 15 nW for the P6701B and 7 nW for the P6703B.