P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 Service Manual 17
MaintenanceTokeep the P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 O/E Converters in good operating
condition, observe propercleaning and handling techniques.
Cleaning the OpticalConnectors
Small dust particles and oils can easily cont aminate fiber-optic connectors and
reduceor block the signal. Takecare to preserve the integrity your connectors by
keeping them freeof contamination.
CAUTION. Toprevent loss of o ptical power or damage to the fiber-optic
connectors, keep the connectors clean at all times.
When cleaning the connectorswith a swab, use gentle circularmotions. Use only
high quality cleaning suppliesthat are non-abrasive and leave no residue.
Toreduce the need for cleaning, immediately replace protectivecaps on the
fiber-opticconnectors when not in use.
Use the following items to clean the fiber-opticconnectors:
Hclean compressed air
Hfiber-opticcleaning swabs
Hisopropyl alcohol
Clean the fiber-opticconnectors as follows:
1. Hold the can ofcompressed air upright and spray the can into the air to purge
any propellant.
2. Spray the cleancompressed air on the connectors to remove any loose
particlesor moisture.
3. Moisten a cleanfiber-optic swab with isopropyl alcohol then lightly swab
the surfaces of the connectors.
4. Spray the cleancompressed air on the connectors again to remove any loose
particlesor isopropyl alcohol.