P6723 Specifications
6P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 Service Manual
Typical characteristics (Table 5) describe typical but not guaranteed performance.
Table5: P6723 typical electrical characteristics
Effective wavelength range 1100to 1570 nm
Aberrations ≤±15%,20% P-P total
Nominal Characteristics
Nominal characteristics(Table 6) describe guaranteed traits, but the traits do not
have tolerancelimits.
Table6: P6723 nominal electrical characteristics
Optical input coupling Accepts up to 62.5 m corediameter, NumericalAperture 0.29
Optical data rate 20MB/s minimum1
650Mb/s maximum1
Optical fiber dressing > 1.5-inch bend radius
Absolute non-destructive fiber bend 0.5-inch bend radius
Output load requirement 50±1% , AC or DC coupled
1Measuredwi than optical inputusi ng 223 - 1 pseudorandom word having a 50% duty cycle.