P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 Service Manual 7
P6701B and P6703B Performance Verification
Use the following proceduresto verify the warranted specifications of the
P6701B and P6703B O/E converters.Before beginning these procedures, refer to
page 12 and photocopythe test record and use it to record the performance test
results. The recommendedcalibration interval is one year.
These procedures test the following specifications:
HNoise equivalent power
HOutput zero
HDC conversion gain
HAC conversion gain

Equipment Required

Table 7 lists the equipment required to perform the performance verification
procedure.The types and quantities of connectors may vary depending on the
specificequipment you use.
The instrument should begiven a 20 minute warm up period and ambient
temperature must be between 20 and 30 degrees C.
Table7: Test equipment
Description Minimum requirements Example product
Optical power meter with
headand adapt ers
Accuracy> 2.5% , resolution >
5pW, Max power > 1 mW, cali-
bratedf rom 700 nm --1600 nm
HP8153A wi th power
sensorHP 81532A and
P6701Bonl y: 780 nm cal
output > 200uW (CW)1,
stability> 0.1 dB over 5 minutes,
modulated square wave @ 10 kHz
with off modulation at zero-light
P6701Bonl y: 850 nm cal
output > 200uW1,
stability> 0.1 dB over 5 minutes,
modulated square wave @ 10 kHz
with off modulation at zero-light