P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 Service Manual 19
CAUTION. Tomaintain the high performance (low return loss) of the O/E
converter,connect an adapter and cable between the input of the O/E converter
and the deviceunder test. When you make connections to other devices, leave the
adapter and cable in place to protectthe optical connector of the O/E converter
fromw ear.
If you connect fibercores larger than 62.5 m, the O/E converters may still
couple light, but the mismatch in core diameterwill cause lowerconversion gain
Replacing TekProbeInterface Pins1. Toremove the interface pin, grasp the pin with a pair of needle-nose pliers
and gently pull the pin out. See Figure2.
2. Toreplace the pin, insert the new pin into the socket and press it in against a
hard surface.
Figure2: ReplacingTekProbe interface pins
3. The pin installed in theposition shown in F igure3 is 0.020 inch shorter than
the other pins. Be sure to install the correct pin in this position; instruments
with the TekProbeinterface may report errors if a longer pin is in this
position. See the Replaceable Parts List that begins on page 23 forordering