7.1Ambient Temperatures:
In order to maintain the accuracy of the flowmeter with changes in ambient temperature, it is necessary to keep the temperature of the transducer between 10° C and 50° C. (The temperature of the base is normally about 10° C above ambient due to internal heat.) There are two
7.1.2Power Supply
7.2Gas Temperature
No corrections for gas temperature between 0° C and 100° C are necessary for the small ranges, but some correction may be necessary for higher ranges. Part of the error at high ranges is transitory, and in most cases will be reduced when the transducer temperature and gas temperature reach an equilibrium condition. Gas flow at temperatures between
When using the NALL – or NALL
The Hastings Linear Mass flowmeter measures GAS flow. DO NOT let the temperature and/or pressure of the gas reach a point that would cause the gas to change to a liquid state, or erroneous indications will result.
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