Please refer to the T200 Operation Manual for a functional block diagram of the analyzer.
During initial warm up the internal Zero/Span factory option may exhibit a “Block Temperature” warning. This can be cleared once the block temperature stabilizes at 50 degrees Celsius. The block temperature is the actual temperature of the IZS block manifold inside the M501 NH3 converter. If the block temperature warning exhibits a negative number such as
Be aware that the ammonia converter operates at 825 degrees Celsius. Do not flow highly flammable gases through the T201 analyzer. When the analyzer is not in use, it is advisable to turn off the M501 NH3. If the converter hasn’t been powered for an extended period of time it is recommend that the analyzer be operated overnight prior to use.
Before spanning the analyzer it is good practice to observe the NORM PMT signal. Its value should be equal to twice the concentration of the delivered span gas. A common error made during calibration is to span the analyzer with either too low a gas concentration or an incorrect value entered into the CONC menu for TNx and NOx. Commonly this will cause a slope value much greater than one.
Note | As a basic rule, always zero first, then span. |
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