Specifications, Approvals, & Certifications | Model T265 Chemiluminescence Ozone Analyzer Addendum to Model T200 Manual |
Table 2-1. Model T265 Specifications
Ranges Measurement Mode Measurement Units Zero Noise 1 Span Noise 1
Lower Detectable Limit Zero Drift (24 hours) Span Drift (24 hours) Linearity
Lag Time 1 Rise/Fall Time 1 Sample Flow Rate Reagent Gas Reagent Flow Environmental
Temperature Range
Humidity Range
Dimensions H x W x D
Weight, Analyzer
AC Power
Analog Output Ranges
Analog Output Resolution Standard I/O
Optional I/O
1As defined by the US EPA
ppb, ppm, µg/m3 mg/m3 <0.15 ppb (RMS)
<0.5% of reading (RMS) above 100 ppb <0.3 ppb
<0.5 ppb
<0.5% of full scale <1% of full scale <0.5% of reading <10 sec
<20 sec to 95%
500 cm³/min ± 10%
NO at 10,000 ppm ±10% 5 ± 2 cm³/min
Installation Category
5 – 40° C (with EPA equivalency)
7" x 17" x 23.5" (18 cm x 43 cm x 61 cm)
40 lbs (18 kg) (with internal pump)
100 V – 120 V, 60Hz (3.0 A)
220 V – 240 V, 50 Hz (2.5 A)
All Outputs: 100 mV, 1 V, 5 V, 10 V
Two concentration outputs convertible to
All Ranges with 5% Under/Over Range
1 part in 4096 of selected full scale voltage
2USB device ports
4analog outputs
1USB com port
8analog inputs
4digital alarm outputs Multidrop RS232
07337B DCN6324