Creating a Bootable Floppy Diskette
Prior to using PC-Doctor, create a bootab le floppy diskette using the
following procedure:
1. Power up the unit; when unit displays message, "Starting Windows 95",
press F8. Choose Command Prompt Only from menu.
2. Using DOS, format a floppy diskette.
3. From the
A: prompt, copy the basic MS-DOS files to the diskette usi ng
the following command:
Format A: /F:1440 /S
where the value 1440 is the capacity of the diskette (1.44 MB in th is
4. Get into the PC-Doctor directory
(type CD C:\PCDR and press Enter).
5. Copy the PC-Doctor files to the bootable diskette using th e following
After completion of this procedure, you should have a bootable diskette
containing PC-Doctor . Running PC-Doctor
PC-Doctor is a DOS-resident program that can be run from either hard disk
or from the bootable diskette you previously created.
1. From the C:\ prompt, change directory (type CD C:\PCDR) and press
2. From the C:\ prompt, type PCDR and press Enter.
3. The Diagnostics Program loads into system memory, and the LCD
displays the Diagnostics Header.
nNote: There are a number of command-line sw itches that can be entered
when starting up PC-Doctor to enable automatic virus scanning, enable
loopback testing of serial/parallel ports, work from the remote menu if per-
forming remote operations, etc. To get a listing of the available command-
line switches, startup PC-Doctor with the following command: PCDR /? and
press Enter.
Troubleshooting 5-9