External Sync With Interlace
3.1 External Sync With Interlace
On the rear panel, set switch 5 of mode switch SW3 to ON.
3.1.1External Sync Signal Input Conditions
-HD signals: 15.734 kHz ± 1% (63.5 μs ± 1%)
-VD signals: 262.5 H
In Figure 3±1, when the last VD transition is between 47.42 μs ahead and 16.13 μs behind relative to the last HD transition, it becomes the ODD field.
When the last VD transition is between 16.13 μs ahead and 47.42 μs behind relative to a 1/2 H point from the last HD transition, it becomes the EVEN field.
Figure 3±1. External Sync Timing
1 H
1/2 H
VD odd field
VD even field
Using the External SYNC Mode |